We produce access doors and maintenance hole covers for furnace construction

Langen Feuerungsbau manufactures an extensive portfolio of fireproof doors and openings
We specialise in high-quality fireproof access doors and maintenance hole covers for industry, commerce, and the energy sector. We manufacture these high-quality special doors for combustion plants, power stations, industrial furnaces, flue gas systems, boiler and drying plants and waste incineration plants. You will find a large portfolio of access doors and maintenance holes in square, rectangular and round designs in our catalogue. Sophisticated hinge solutions ensure greater tightness. All maintenance hole doors are centre-hinged, the displacements are mechanically machined, and the doors are also available in a gas-tight version. All doors and lids are manufactured with the appropriate seals. The displacements of the maintenance hole covers are machined with slotted holes in such a way that a permanent seal is guaranteed. The elongated holes and face milling of the displacement guides allow the door to be pulled evenly onto the seal again and again with four toggle handle screw connections, thus ensuring a circumferential seal, even in the event of wear. All access doors and maintenance hole covers can be supplied with asbestos-free woven and graphite gaskets with Inconel wire. Almost all access doors and maintenance holes can also be fitted with inspection ports and various purge air connections; as a customer, please specify this when ordering. There is a wide range of possible variations.
We use grey cast iron and cast steel for access doors and maintenance hole covers
Our modern machinery enables us to react quickly to special requests at a fair price-performance ratio. We produce our access doors and maintenance hole covers from different types of cast iron depending on the temperature range; they can be used up to 500 degrees Celsius as standard. For higher temperatures up to 1300 degrees Celsius, heat-resistant cast steel is used. The types of cast iron we use for our maintenance hole doors and maintenance holes are listed in our catalogue with the designations M01 to M19.
Retrofitting is possible for heat protection of the entrance doors
In addition, we can also equip our access doors and maintenance holes with fireclay, ceramic fibre plates and fireclay bricks to increase their temperature resistance in order to withstand even higher temperatures. These access doors and maintenance holes can also be combined in different quality levels within a combustion system - always depending on the material, the pressure conditions, and the required temperature range at the exact place of use. In this way, a precise gradation of the individual qualities to suit your system is possible. Take advantage of our know-how in the production and equipment of access doors and maintenance holes, we will be happy to advise you!

Simply retrofit the incinerator at the next plant shutdown
Of course, it is also possible to retrofit your incinerator with the appropriate access doors and maintenance hole covers, or to upgrade them. During the next scheduled shutdown of the plant, e.g., as part of an inspection, we can replace the access doors and maintenance hole covers or provide them with additional heat protection or seals. Many of our access doors and maintenance hole covers are available from stock. Please contact us if you would like sound advice on the different designs, areas of application and equipment of maintenance hole doors and maintenance holes.
We supply a wide range of accessories and spare parts for access doors and maintenance hole covers.
Beyond the standard doors from our catalogue, we are able to manufacture access doors and maintenance holes individually and provide them with various additional equipment and extras. Our expertise in design and mechanical engineering enables us to produce a wide range of special equipment, accessories and spare parts for our maintenance holes and access doors:
- Handles, bolts, opening aids, frames
- Fittings
- Heat protection glasses
- Seals
- Individual connections
- Adapter plates and adapter frames
- Screw fittings, screw sets
- Fireclay boxes and firebricks
- Insulation boxes with insulation wool
- Recording option for combustion chamber camera
- Rinsing air connections for cleaning the inspection opening
- Fireclay (refractory concrete) for lining the doors
- Ceramic fibre panels as heat protection
Langen Feuerungsbau GmbH: Your qualified partner for access doors and maintenance holes
Do you need support and advice in planning or retrofitting your firing system with access doors and maintenance holes? We supply access doors and maintenance hole covers in matching specifications. Call us or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to advise you on the individual equipment of your firing system and look forward to supplying the right solution for your special requirement in firing construction!