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Foundry trade fair brought new impetus for orientation


Keeping up to date professionally, making new contacts and observing what is happening in the industry - this is best done by visiting trade fairs. An important trade fair in the field of casting production and processing is the trade fair GIFA "Bright world of metals". The international foundry trade fair was held in mid-June in the state capital Düsseldorf with more than 2100 exhibitors. "Of course, we visited the trade fair quartet of GIFA, Metec, Newcast and Thermprocess. It was an interesting day, and we were able to take home a lot of know-how and new impressions," Anja Vogt, Managing Director of Langen Feuerungsbau, reports from Duisburg. Her company specialises in the manufacture of furnace doors and show openings for incineration plants, biogas plants and power stations and is an expert in casting and steel construction.

"The visit has shown us that we are on the right track and have recognised the issues of the time in good time, e.g., in the area of digitalisation. We got off to just the right start and are continuing to implement digitalisation in our company at a rapid pace," Anja Vogt is pleased to report. And husband and operations manager Karsten Vogt adds, "The considerations for a modular form, which we are already planning internally, were also discussed among experts during the trade fair. The findings from the discussions will go into our planning."

Langen Feuerungsbau: Leading in an important niche

The discussions at the fair were mainly about current topics: Rising energy costs and their effects or the current tense situation in the area of additional alloys for some types of castings, which has an influence on delivery times and price stability - these are the topics that are currently occupying the industry.

"Despite these difficulties, which the whole industry is struggling with, we can draw a positive conclusion from the fair. The visit showed that Langen Feuerungsbau does indeed occupy a niche with its special doors and show openings, but in a range of products and casting types that are rarely found on the market in this form. For this reason, we will continue to expand our marketing activities in the future to open up new markets. The date for the next visit to the fair is already firmly scheduled," Karsten Vogt promises.

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